CENTRAL EXCISE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION OF MUMBAI (UNIT OF AIACEGEO) (Disclaimer- The views expressed in the Blog post is purely for the consumption of members of CESA-MUMBAI only and the data/facts contained therein should be first verified with authentic source, before using the same, by anyone.)
Friday, February 28, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Ref. No.: CESA/17/2014
Dated : 26.02.2014
Ms. J. M. Shanti Sundharam
Hon’ble Chairperson, C.B.E.C.,
Block, New Delhi.
Respected Madam,
We sincerely congratulate your good-self on regularization
of your promotion as the Chairperson of the CBEC. The officers of this Zone are having lot of
faith and expectations from you.
We are sure that your honour will ensure timely
implementation of the “Cadre Restructuring” proposal in its letter and spirit. The
disparity prevailing in the most stagnated Cadre within Central Excise, i.e.
Group B Gazetted officers, and other feeder cadres needs logical, rational and
permanent redressal.
Mumbai also expresses its sincere thanks for your patient hearing and
willingness to redress the grievances brought out by the joint delegation on 21.02.2014.
as you are aware the working condition in Mumbai is quite miserable. Mumbai Central Excise Zones needs special package to improve the
infrastructure, because Mumbai yields the major portion of revenue. The
officers engaged in garnering this revenue feel cheated and demoralized at the
end of every financial year. We are quite hopeful that your honour will take
initiative to improve the working condition and infrastructure in all the
Central Excise and Service Tax offices in Mumbai Zones.
It is a known factor that Mumbai has a
large base of Service Tax assessees, which is increasing day by day. To cope up
with the work load, improvement in the Automation (ACES) of the day to
day functions is essential. The present state of the automation being very slow
is not sufficient enough to handle such work- load. The modules available have
to be upgraded and implemented in its entirety.
Further, the working systems of Service Tax and procedural aspects have
to be simplified in order to bring in more transparency and stall the
intervention of third party agents. This would help in better tax compliance
and also in better tax administration.
The Department’s Legal Branch has to be strengthened and managed
professionally, so as to meet the challenge of ever growing litigations.
We once again congratulate your
good-self and assure our fullest co-operation and wish your tenure will be very
positive towards the staff welfare and the trade.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely

General Secretary
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
AIACEIA held its CEC Meeting on 22nd
& 23rd Feb, 2014 at Mumbai. Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra, General
Secretary, All India Railway Federation was Chief Guest along with other
Guests. In the said meeting, apart from implementation of the Cadre
Restructuring, the following resolutions were adopted.
1) Abolition of Zonal Seniority and Maintaining All India Seniority
List (Integration of the Zonal Cadre-wise Seniority Lists of
Inspector Grade into an All India Seniority Lists)
2) Parity in Promotion in Central Excise
3) No Protocol Duties
4) Abolition of Uniform and Control Room Duty etc.,
Thursday, February 6, 2014
: CESA/17/2014
Dated : 06/02/2014.
Ms J.M. Shanti Sundharam,
North Block,
New Delhi.
Sub: Cadre
Restructuring in CBEC Creation of Commissionerates, Zones
This is to bring to your kind notice
that CBEC has constituted various committees to implement the Cadre
Restructuring (CR) proposals. A committee is also constituted for
reorganisation of Commissionerates and Zones.
2. For the purpose of creating new
Commissionerates in Central Excise, Service Tax and Customs, a Study Group was
formed by CBEC. The Study Group recommended creation of new Central Excise and
Service Tax Commissionerates on the basis of Revenue and Number of Assessees. However,
for creation of new Customs Commissionerates the number of documents handled
was the parameter. Though both the wings belong to CBEC two yardsticks have
been applied for creation of new Commissionerates.
3. As compared to the growth seen in the
Revenue collection of Central Excise and Customs, the growth in Revenue
collection of Service Tax is phenomenal. The assessee base too has increased
manifold. With the given strength of staff and machinery, the department is not
able to tap the entire Service Tax Revenue. After introduction of the negative
list concept for charging Service Tax, the assessee base will keep on growing
further complicating the Revenue collection process.
4. In the present CR, the said committee
is contemplating to arbitrarily merge some Central Excise Commissionerates and
form new Service Tax Commissionerates, Audit Commissionerates, etc. Due to such
arbitrary move, there is lots of resentment in the staff in Kolkatta, Bhopal,
Jaipur, Chennai, Mumbai, etc.
5. The Revenue Target of Service Tax
during the year 2013-14 is Rs.180141 Crore as against Rs.132697 Crore in
2012-13, which is more by about 36%. The target of Customs Revenue for 2013-14
is Rs.187308 Crore as against Rs.164853 Crore, which is more by about 14% and
the target of Central Excise for 2013-14 is Rs.197553.95 Crore as against RS.171996.09
Crore, which is more by about 15%. Thus, even CBEC recognises the potential of
growth in Service Tax. The collection of Revenue in the VCES scheme has also
crossed all expectations.
6. Apparently, the work load involved in
the revenue collection and other related aspects are not properly considered
while proposing new Commissionerates of Excise, Service Tax and Customs. Though
the Automation in Customs has been in place since so many years, still the
parameter for formation of new Customs Commissionerates is on the basis of the
documents handled is quite surprising . Whereas, in-spite of minimal automation
in Central Excise and Service Tax formations, due to which major part of the
work is still manual, proper yardsticks are not applied while recommending
formation of new Commissionerates in both the wings.
7. You may be aware that due to shortage
of staff not even 5% of the mandatory assessee’s of Service Tax could be
audited. This should definitely ring alarm bells in the Ministry, as we might
be risking losing Revenue with every passing day. If the entire Service Tax
Revenue is to be tapped and all the assessees have to be brought into the net
then the Tax Administration has to be widened to such an extent that it reaches
every nook and corner of the country. To achieve this, sufficient number of
Service Tax Commissionerates have to be created and these Commissionerates have
to be provided with adequate number of staff. The number of new Service Tax
Commissionerates proposed in the present CR do not appear to be sufficient
enough to deal with this large quantum of assessees. The situation will not be
different in Central Excise as well.
8. In
the ensuing CR the Central Excise and Service Tax Commissionerates are proposed
to be increased from 100 to 183 and the Customs Commissionerates is proposed to
be increased from 35 to 60. The above proposal to increase the number of
Commissionerates in the three formations is not justified as the same does not
commensurate to the growth seen in the Revenue, number of assessee and the
potential future growth. If the Board goes ahead with the restructuring then it
would cause great amount of injustice to the Central Excise and Service Tax
departments and would also be damaging to the organisation as a whole.
9. Therefore, it is our humble suggestion
that the concerned Committee be directed to re-examine the proposal to form 25 new
Customs Commissionerates vis-a-vis the Revenue growth and quantum of work
involved and the extent of Automation. It would not be out of place to mention
that a major part of Customs work relating to Export is being handled by the
officers of Central Excise. In view of this position, if deemed fit, the number
of proposed new Customs Commissionerates be reduced and the same be
diverted/allotted to Central Excise and Service Tax formations, to ensure
proper balance.
10. The implementation of CR is badly
delayed. However, if few days more are taken for examining the above genuine
suggestion then the same may be done in the interest of the purpose of the CR
so as to ensure fairness and judiciousness.
General Secretary
Copy to:
- Hon’ble Member(P&V), CBEC,New Delhi, incharge of
Mumbai Zone; for kind information, consideration and necessary action,
- DGHRD, CBEC, New Delhi, for kind information,
consideration and necessary action, please.
- DG(DRI), New Delhi (Chairman of Re-Organisation Committee
for implementation of CR). For information, consideration and necessary
action, please.
- Secretary General AIACEGEO,
for information and pursuing the proposal.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Proposal for Gr A temporary 2118 posts exclusively for Central Excise/Customs Supdts
Ref : CESA/15/2014
Date : 29.01.2014
Shri Sumit Bose,
Hon’ble Revenue Secretary
Ministry of Finance, North
New Delhi.
Respected Sir,
Sub: - Creation of Temporary 2118 Nos of Posts in
Group A – Request
allocation only to the most-stagnated Cadre of Group B-
reg -
With due respect, CESA Mumbai is
constrained to encroach upon your precious time on the subject matter. In Mumbai, around 1000 Superintendents are
posted in the Central Excise Department and around 11000 Superintendents are posted
in other parts of the country. It is a known fact that the said Superintendents
from Mumbai are the most stagnated lot. Most of them have been retiring with
only one promotion (from Inspector to Superintendent) in their entire service
career of about 35 yrs. plus.
the present Cadre Restructuring of CBEC every care has been taken to ensure
'time-bound' promotions within the Gr-A, by creating avenues in the form of '8'
Grades. However, the same care is missing when it comes to Group ‘B’ officers,
inspite of the fact that they are the most stagnated lot in CBEC.
For instance, the following posts have
been proposed for the Group ‘A’ officers in the present Cadre Restructuring;
Principal Chief Commissioner / Chief Commissioner /
Principal Commissioner / Commissioner / Additional Commissioner / Joint
Commissioner / Deputy Commissioner / Assistant Commissioner.
Superintendent C.Excise (Gazetted) and
Inspector C. Excise (non-Gazetted) have been retained in Group B.
Keeping in view the acute stagnation in the cadre of
Superintendent, the Cadre Restructuring has made a special provision of "2118" temporary posts of Gr-A,
to be filled in only by promoting officers from the feeder cadre, viz.,
Appraiser/Superintendent of Customs and Central Excise. However, the said
temporary posts have been created with riders like no further promotions, no
counting of service as 'qualifying' service, etc.
There are 3 feeder cadres from Gr-B
that are promoted to Gr-A, viz., Appraisers of Customs, Superintendent of
Customs (Preventive) and Superintendent of Central Excise. The strength of
these officers in CBEC within the '3' Group B feeder cadres is 82% [Central
Excise] : 15%[Customs(P)] : 3%[Customs Appraiser].
Sir, it is pointed out here that the percentage wise
strength is not at all considered in proper sense and judicious manner while
promoting the Group ‘B’ officers to Group ‘A’. As a result, the scenario in
promotions to Gr-A within 3 feeder categories has reached to a worst situation. To illustrate -
"The Civil list of 2013-14 for
AC/DC shows that out of the total '637'
Gr-A officers promoted from Group ‘B’, "329"
are promoted from Customs-Appraiser cadre, "46"
are promoted from Supdt-Customs Preventive cadre & only "262" are promoted from
Supdt-Central Excise cadre.
In other terms, the strength of AC/DC promoted
from Appraiser cadre (having feeder-strength of 3%) is 52%, that of
Superintendent Customs (P) (having feeder-strength of 15%) is 7% and the
strength of Supdt C.Excise (having feeder-strength of 82%) is 41%.
Due to the insensitive and
discriminatory approach of the Board in fixing the percentage of feeder cadre
for promotion to Group ‘A’, presently, the Customs Appraiser of 2002 Batch, Superintendent of Customs
(P) of 1997 Batch and Superintendent
of Central Excise of 1993 Batch is
due for promotion. This has led to lots of resentment and discontentment
amongst the Superintendents of Customs (P) and Superintendents of Central
Excise. This only reflects the neglect of CBEC in Human Resource Management. The neglect is more apparent from the fact
that in the ensuing Cadre Restructuring two new Posts have been created in
Group ‘A’, thus making the Group ‘A’ into 8 levels but no such avenues have
been created in Group ‘B’. 2118 posts
of AC created for promoting the Group ‘B’ officers to Group ‘A’ are also temporary
with no consequential benefits like future promotions or counting of qualifying
service for next promotion, etc.
The acute stagnation in the feeder cadre of
'Superintendent Central Excise' has demoralized this cadre and proposals in the
ensuing Cadre Restructuring is not encouraging either. The prevailing scenario
is forcing many officers to opt for VRS as they do not see any scope of career
progression. It seems that the HRD of
our Department has never bothered to examine the reasons of so many VRS in the
Superintendents cadre and why such VRS is not existing in Group A. Maximum
vacancies in the Group A level are in "Central Excise and Service
Tax". The Superintendent of Central
Excise, who performs duties in all the three streams of CBEC, viz., Excise,
Customs and Service Tax, is feeling alienated and dejected as no one is there
to look after their cause and address their agony. What if an direct recruit AC
stagnates at Joint Commissioner level, will the HRD have the same approach?
The agony of
the Superintendent of Central Excise is compounded by the discriminatory and
faulty method of calculation (ratio fixing) adopted by the Board in the
promotions of Group ‘B’ officers to Group ‘A’. Nor any new proper methods have
been devised by the Board to clear the stagnation. The Appraisers who are in
less numbers are more benefitted than the Superintendent of Central Excise,
who’s strength is much more in numbers. The irony is that the Inspector of
Central Excise, Preventive Officer (Customs) and Examiners in Customs are
species of a common exam conducted by Staff Selection Commission, wherein merit
wise the Examiners are the last lot. However, due to the faulty calculation
method (ratio fixing) adopted by the Board, such Examiners get faster
promotions to Group ‘A’ and the Inspectors of Central Excise and the Preventive
Officers are compelled to work under them as subordinates. How long this
type of discrimination will continue? The
faulty approach of the Board is not only depriving the officers of Central
Excise the well deserving promotion to Group ‘A’ but also results into a great
financial loss, not only while serving in the Department but also after the
is therefore suggested that in the ensuing Cadre Restructuring the two badly
stagnated feeder cadres i.e. Superintendent Customs and Superintendent Central
Excise be given the 'Temporary' advantage coming through these '2118' temporary
Gr-A posts and all these 2118 posts in Gr-A' are allotted to these most
stagnated feeder-cadres. This measure should continue till all the '3'
feeder cadres are brought on par. The 2002 batch of the Appraiser is
already promoted as AC. No promotions should be given to them till the
Superintendents of Central Excise and Supdt of Customs (P) of the same batch
i.e. 2002 are also promoted to Gr-A. If this
is done the same will ensure the terms
of reference in Cadre restructuring i.e. “PARITY” in same Cadres.
corrective measures, as suggested above, are not taken now then after Cadre
Restructuring the gap will widen and reach beyond approachable comparison and
the resentment and discontentment in the 82% staff of CBEC will only turn bad
to worst. In addition the promotional prospects of the lower cadre of
Inspectors and Ministerial staff, which depends on the promotions of
Superintendents will further aggravate. With such a level of resentment and
discontentment the officers cannot be motivated to perform their best.
In view of the above position, this
Association, with great humility and hope, requests your Honour to consider the
above suggestion and do justice with the most stagnated cadre of CBEC. For this
purpose, CBEC be asked to carry out amendment in the Recruitment Rules (RR) and
introduce a new sub-rule (4a) in the Gr-A RR, as under:
" If
the difference in year of joining in respect of 'first officer to be promoted'
among the 3 feeder cadres, is not same/ equal; then the officers from leading
feeder cadre/s shall not be allocated the vacancy/s, till each feeder cadre
officer reach to same year of joining in Gr-B."
the above suggestion for the long term benefit of the organization be
considered positively. You will not disappoint us because we are confident as
we are competent, and as we are experts in our fields as compared to members of
the other feeder cadres as well as capacity to take up any challenge for the
betterment of the organization. We are the only Group B officers competent and
knowledgeable to administer the Service Tax law which is fast growing revenue
Thanking you, Sir,
Yours Sincerely,
General Secretary
Copy to:
Hon’ble Chairperson, CBEC,
Ministry Of Finance, North Block, New
Delhi for kind information and consideration and
necessary action, please.
The Member(P&V), CBEC,New Delhi; for kind
information, consideration and necessary action, please.
DGHRD, CBEC, New Delhi, for information, consideration and
necessary action, please.
DG Customs, New Delhi (Chairman of RR Committee for
implementation of CR). For information, consideration and necessary action,
Secretary General AIACEGEO, for
information and pursuing the proposal.
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