measure cloth scale is required. To
measure liquid, a measuring jar is required.
To measure the sound, hydrophone is required. To judge a leader, vote is required. But the splinter group fixed the play, became
the player, the umpire and without even playing declared themselves to be
winners, under the pretext that no one came forward for contesting the election. Now they are cajoling the members to enroll themselves
in the association, so that they can show to the parallel convention, for which
they have enacted this drama of democracy, that they are having the members
support with them. When no one has
casted a vote but they claim that they are elected and with this number they
will go to Chennai and claim that they are the bonafide Office Bearers and will
stake claim for a top post in that body.
They have a mastery in all sort of jugglery to fool their members and
mislead the Administration at any level. All what they are doing today and
their purported motive have already been exposed in our previous blog. They have no guts to face the public in open forum. They themselves declared AGM on
25.05.2017. Today is 25.05.2017 and unable
to hold AGM in the pretext that no place ……. ….. …… . What they say and make
others believe is just like a jumbla and nothing else.
days are ahead. From July, what will be
the fate and shape of our Board, no one knows.
We all will become slave of machines.
Machine will dictate us. And we
will not even be able to raise our voice because no one will be around to
extend their helping hand for our helplessness. Our freedom, what we are availing as on date
will become History and in the process we have to move ahead without any second
option, perform or perish, nothing in between.
Cadre of Superintendent is passing through a very bad phase. Our position is like a bamboo which cannot be
classified as a tree or grass. Since,
last March, rather end of 2016 infighting is going on to prove the supremacy
among each other in the AIACEGEO. All the
burning issues were put on back burner.
The time lost due to this infighting is great and irreparable to the
Cadre which cannot be recouped in future.
to the infighting we could not insist the Board to:
DPC where around 1000 officers would have been elevated to the post of
Assistant Commissioners from Superintendents.
downsizing of Commissionerates, All over India, in the CBEC.
represent/insist to squash disputed OM to give effect of
Parmar Judgement, retrospectively for uniformity across all the zones.
hold DPC for the regular vacant post
of AC.
the ratio/post chewed by the direct
Group A officers when their posts were reduced but they were filled
raise or to stop Group A, when RS has objected about
their strength of direct Group A officers.
represent the improvement of
infrastructure in all the field formations.
spend money allotted for improvement
of field formations for enrolment of GST
objections to liquidate the pendency of vigilance cases which are returned from Delhi to the respective Zones/Commissionerate.
then the factory stuffing and sealing of containers by central excise officers taken tactically by customs.
Issue of MACP, Bunching of pays, other discriminations about the raising of age from 60 to 62 and deputations from CBEC to
SGST with dignity and grade.
are many, if we go on narrating the pending issues, you will feel disheartened
and demotivated. Hence we are not
stretching any further.
should be informative and not discreet. The
reasons for enrolment of members is only to justify the claim that they have
the support of sufficient number of members.
Our members are too simple and they do not understand the complicacy and
the intricacy of the infighting in AIACEGEO.
They may not be aware as to why the individuals are forcibly taking the
signatures. Their interests are just to
safeguard their position in the parallel convention at Chennai, when they know
that their every step is based on hypocracy, illegal and unconstitutional in
order to promote themselves and to safeguard their positions for which they are
outrightly bent upon cheating everybody on their way.
CESA, MUMBAI is committed with
we have committed and as per the decision of the Managing Committee, CESA
Mumbai will hold its AGM alongwith convention on 9th June 2017 at
Ravindra Natya Mandir, from 2.00 PM to 7.00 PM (with two sessions). Our actions will speak and nothing will be
from the backend because we were elected and accountable to all our
members. We are not at the mercy or
puppet at the hands of others. All our
actions will be well informed and dot in line.
Latest representations of CESA Mumbai are as under.
Date: 25.05.2017
The Hon’ble Chief Commissioner
(Cadre Controlling Authority),
Central Excise Zone I,
Respected Sir,
Sub: - Request for Relaxation
to staff for attending Convention & AGM of CESA Mumbai –reg
This is in continuation of our
letter Ref No. CESA/33/2017 dated 11.05.2017, wherein this Association as per
the decision of the managing committee, informed the Administration about
holding of Convention and AGM of General Body of CESA Mumbai on 09.06.2017. Accordingly,
arrangements have been made to hold the Convention and AGM at Ravindra Natya
Mandir, Prabhadevi Mumbai between 2.00 pm to 7.00 pm.
The schedule of the Convention and
AGM will be divided in two sessions. First Session will be convention wherein
the inaugural address will be by your goodself being head of the administration
of Central Excise, Mumbai Zone, also Chief Commissioners of Service Tax, Mumbai
Zone and the Chief Executive of CESA Mumbai. Considering the fact that the
major indirect Tax Reforms will be rolled out from July 2017 it will be a
proper occasion that all the staff be addressed by the Head of family i.e. both
the Chief Commissioners and staff is keen to listen from your goodself about
the future plan and expectation of the department from the major workforce at
cutting edge level. It is therefore requested Sir, to grace the Convention and
deliver the inaugural address in the first session. Sir, the first session will
be from 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm and after break the next session will be from 5.00
pm to 7.00 pm and in second session the Association matters will be deliberated
amongst the general members of the CESA, Mumbai.
Sir, it is requested to grant relaxation to staff to
attend the Convention and AGM meeting on 09.05.2017 after Lunch Hours at
Ravindra Natya Mandir, Prabhadevi, Mumbai. Kindly, arrange to issue suitable
instructions to all Commissionerates and filed formations. It is requested that
letter in this regard granting permission for attending the Staff Association
meeting be addressed to all the field formation of Excise/Service Tax/Audit/
LTU/ M. & P.etc
Yours Sincerely,
A.K. Sasmal
Copy To: Hon’ble Commissioner, Service Tax, Mumbai
Zone for kind information.
Ref : CESA/38/2017
Dtd : 24.05.2017.
Hon’ble Commissioner,
CSI Airport
Sub: - Request
for not to Post, Central Excise officers on deputation to Air port under a junior officer – reg.
Respected Sir,
This is
brought to our notice by the officers posted at Air port from Air pool quota
allocated to Central Excise at Chatrapati Shivaji International Air port Mumbai
are given further postings at Air Port and they are posted under a junior officer
to whom they report in the batch.
example Officers posted for election duty the Election Commission even takes
care that senior officers should be posted according to their pay scale and not
below any junior officer of state or otherwise.
Mumbai came to know that the Superintendents Posted to Air port are posted
under a Junior Customs officers i.e.
Batch In-charge, whereas Superintendents deputed to Air port from Central
Excise were quite senior as compared to the Batch incharge. This is due to
disparity in promotions. We request at least this humiliation be stopped and as
stated above care should be taken and senior officers from the Central Excise
side be made Batch incharge or should not be posted under a Batch incharge who
is junior to them. The officers of
Central Excise are hard workers and duty conscious. Hence, they may be placed
suitably to their positions according to their Seniority.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
A.K. Sasmal
Ref : CESA/39/2017
Dtd : 24.05.2017.
The Hon’ble Chief Commissioner
(Cadre Controlling Authority),
Central Excise Zone I,
Sub: Request for repatriating officers on completion of tenure as well
as loan period of 1 year to Central Excise formation – Reg.
Respected Sir,
is to bring to your kind notice, that GST is likely to be rolled out from the 1st
July 2017. Reorganisation of the
Commissionerates/merging of the various formations/and reshuffling of the
officers in all Grades are on the cards.
It is reported that there are en number of officers, in DRI, Mumbai,
DGCEI, DG (Audit), DG (ST), DG (Valuation), ADG (Vigilance) etc. have completed
their tenure of deputation/loan period of one year. There are several officers even continuing on
promotion in their said formations as if they are indispensable and without
them the agency will lose their premier tag.
Due to continuation of the same set officers, other eligible officers
are not getting an opportunity to work there.
Strong resentment is brewing as the Administration is not repatriating
these officers and their flimsy requests to continue in that formation are
light of the above, we sincerely request your goodself to repatriate all the
officers who have completed their deputation/loan period of one year be brought
back at this time of mass reshuffling of the staff, and in their place other
eligible officers may be replaced.
Yours Sincerely,
A.K. Sasmal
General Secretary