Thursday, February 22, 2018


         A few days back, the Advocates of the Karnataka High Court went on a week-long relay hunger-strike, demanding the filling of up 62% of posts of judges of the Karnataka High Court that are lying vacant. Similarly the Orissa High Court Bar Association also went on a week-long strike in protest of the growing vacancies at the Orissa High Court.

What a pathetic situation, lakhs of cases are pending and there is no judge to take up the cases. Similarly in schools and colleges, whether private or Govt., class-rooms are there, but the subjects are not being taught, as there are no professors / lecturers to conduct the classes. Students are visible in malls and in other places, killing their precious time during their youth and putting their future in jeopardy. Hospitals are also in the same state as there are no doctors/nurses/other necessary staff. So also in other places of Govt. machinery, where there is a lot of vacancies.

Whenever there is a crisis, if there is a disruption in electricity or telephones  we remember linesman. Similarly when some fire breaks then we remember the fire brigade. Whenever there is a crime, we remember policemen. What is the condition of the men in these organisations, everyone knows, but, those who choose to take a stand in any of these organisations, have felt the wrath of the crooked & the terrible weight of injustice.

 It has almost been a week, where the hot topic of discussion is about the PNB and the Rotomac scam. To look deeply into the matter, various agencies have been called up, i.e., Income Tax, Enforcement Directorate, etc. One of the premier investigative agencies i.e., the Enforcement Directorate, who recently carried out searches in 100 locations related to this case, that too with limited staff. It is on record that the agency is functioning with less than 50% of the approved strength. The agency cannot be & should not be blamed for any shortcomings, as the expectations of our countrymen are too high – it is as if the people believe that they can achieve it with a magical wand. Blame can be squarely put on those who are in the corridors of power that intentionally keep the posts in various cadres vacant, whether it is in the I-T, Police, ED or GST.

We are moving from various controls to digitalization, with an intention to integrate processes and reduce human interface. After the introduction of GST, citizen online services, transaction through cheques, ATM services, traffic monitoring CCTVs, Toll collections, etc., and a whole lot of digital services have been introduced. This has resulted in lack of co-ordination, sharing of information, resulting in a certain amount of chaos and confusion. 

In the GST formations across the country, reports and information are being called from the field formations without ascertaining the situations and circumstances under which they are functioning. The lack of up-gradation in the ACES network of CBEC and the starting problem from the inception of AIO is more or less the same. Nobody can come forward as like earlier that they can improve the ACES systems or presently the AIO, as it is not under the control of the CBEC but under the contract of an entity who is not accountable to anybody. 

The issue of functioning is really alarming when in the first quarter reported about the manner of filing TRAN-1 return and subsequent pattern of verifications. Whether the feasibility and effectiveness of the checks and balance in the system, will stand upto the need of the hour or expectations of the public will be answered only by time. As on date, a unit that is evading GST, is not captured by the system nor by the officers who are chained to their chairs and monitors. Whether or not there is a mechanism to recover government dues due to any possible evasion during the transition period and whether the Department had a golden period or the trade, will be answered by time alone. 

This Department is dedicated for collection of revenue, but more than 45% of the staff strength is lying vacant across all cadres, except at the apex position. Orders of transfers and postings, promotions in one particular grade, is issued prior to the dates of vacancy. But sadly the VRS applications of other grades are also not issued in time. More than 1600 posts of Assistant Commissioners are lying vacant and few more thousands in Superintendents & Inspector level, who form the backbone of the Dept. In each formation, whether it is executive, appeals or audit, they are holding 2 to 3 additional charges, staff are managing with great difficulties, either out of fear of 56J or ACRs or out of the call of their conscience, etc.

When advocates of various states can go for an agitation to fill the vacancies, so that the pending cases can come up for hearing, similarly the time for ED has come, for insisting to fill up the vacant posts, so that they can gear up to meet any eventuality as is being faced presently with the current scams.

We hope that the CBEC Board will be impressed upon to set right its own administration, by filling up all the vacancies at various levels. Recently there is a commotion among the staff as a result of an exercise to identify and recommend for abolition of posts lying vacant for more than 5 years. 

In Mumbai and in other places also, a task force has been constituted to examine the current staff formation, requirement of additional staff, recommendation for relocation of staff and to identify posts where no one has been posted for more than one year in all the grades. The Administration is prompt enough to comply with and submit the report/position as called for. 

But it is unfortunate to see that even after reorganization of the various formations in June-2017, the Commissionerates are still functioning on an as-and-where-is basis, without adequate telephone lines, not to mention other basic amenities. Some officers are complaining that they are being promoted without being given any facility / amenities / sub-ordinate staff, only to become the object of wrath of their seniors - that they are incompetent to deliver and with a sound caution not to complain about staff and other facilities, but you are required to manage anyhow. 

How long can anyone pull on in such situations ? Can it be called a fair administration, when administration is run on the basis where seniors don’t owe responsibility but expect a lot more accountability from the junior staff !!

Leaders, cadres, associations should awaken from their slumber, give life to the dead souls of collective thought and rise to the occasion without blaming each other, like in earlier times when rulers used to rise above petty issues & politics to safeguard the interest of their kingdoms. Similarly, one should rise above the cadre and think of CBEC as a whole, so as to safeguard everybody’s dignity. 

         To serve better, it is time we rise now, before we fall into / are dragged into, a deep crevice never to rise again...


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