Tuesday, April 23, 2013


A meeting was held at Pune on 21.04.2013, where the office bearers of Indore, Nashik, Goa, Aurangabad and Mumbai attended.  In the said meeting discussion was held on proposed cadre restructuring, Supreme Court matters and irregularity in Seniority list as well as regional imbalances.  In the meeting the issue of regional imbalances took much of time because it concerned the stagnation prevailing in this zone where officers career progression is neglected.  There was a lot of hue and cry on the discrimination in the feeder cadre from group B to Group A, when we compare ourselves with our counter parts viz., Superintendent Customs (Prev), or Examiner or Appraiser.  But we have to introspect ourselves that there is a lot of disparity amongst ourselves in our own cadre where there is no parity and uniformity.  Similarly in the seniority list there are a lot of discrepancies and irregularities which need rectifications. 

The Superintendents, Customs & Preventive, after the dismissal of the Contempt Petition, have filed a petition before Supreme Court on 09.04.2013 to review all ad-hoc promotion orders issued on 01.10.2002, 10.12.2002, 07.04.2003 and 12.07.2012, promoting officers to the Group A post of Assistant Commissioner (Customs & Central Excise), in the altered/new ratio (i.e. 13:2:1), as has been directed by Supreme Court vide its order dt.03.08.2011 passed in C.A No.1198/2005

As regards to Court matters we should keep a watch.  If it requires then we should also join them. Now the CR proposal is lying at Committee of Secretaries level.  It will have to pass another two steps which may take time.  Thereafter notification will be issued and implementation effected. . In the last restructuring the CR in respect of CBDT was implemented in 2001, whereas in CBEC it was in 2002.  Now the file of CR of CBDT is pending for Cabinet approval, whereas we are two steps behind.  Hope we will cover the lag and get the approval of the Cabinet along with that of the CBDT. 

The entire discussion was co-ordial and fruitful and gave satisfaction to all the office bearers.  Those who attended got their maximum time to air their view and agreed unanimously on removal of disparity among ourselves and rectification of the seniority list.

1 comment:

  1. The information available in your site are very useful. The problem is that it does not provide pleasant reading. The grey background for the black letters is causing strain in reading the contents. If the letters are black, the background should be mild, preferably white. Similarly, the right panel background is light and the letters are also light causing difficulty to read the matter. Contrast is ideal. Please ensure better readability.
    Superintendent of Central Excise


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