Friday, December 27, 2013


Myth of CR

Dear Comrade,

        Now the Rabbit is out of the hat. There is no room for speculation or assumption presumption. Much awaited suspense is over and the claims and counter claims as to who did how much and what efforts made for achieving it or the number of posts etc.
        As per the letter Date 18.12.2013 F. No. A.11019/08/2013 - Ad.IV the Annexure enclosed with it gives clear impression that except the Direct recruited Inspector in the Department everyone will get benefit out of CR but the Inspector has to survive on with only ACP/MACP.
        The tall claims of 4600 posts of AC new plus consequential does not seems to be correct. So if we see the entire proposal as of now the outcome is only 300 newposts of AC and later on only 150 posts as against 10,000 Inspectors and Superintendents add in this CR. (All these may already be drawing the salary of AC & DC or may be in queue to draw it very shortly at least in Mumbai without any promotion due to the Pay Commission which feel pity about us and the stagnation). Thus even the basic cardinal of optimum utilization of Resources while doing CR is not followed and the only reason for it appears to humiliate Central Excise Officers   
   The fate of 2118 post is just like the aged cows been dispatched to slaughter house but are being saved by some charitable trust and instead of slaughter just been kept in a place to live more and curse themselves as to why they join in this department The Para 4 of the said letter is nothing but to humiliate and discriminate you and left a bone to fight amongst yourself as though all will get promotion on same date but the 2118 will not get any further promotion.
        How any can believe on the authorities who did not remember when they made proposal and even the terms of reference when they made the proposal of CR and at last moment made these temporary posts after 15 years and put a stumbling block for next 5 years which means till 2020 nothing. Does this CR gives any parity? This was one of the term of reference in earlier and the present one but not fuilfilled till date for us.
        Now see the pay scale and grade pay all the IRS will get promotion, benefit of pay fixation so monetary benefits also, similarly in other grades also all promotion carries different pay Grade pay so in CR they will also get promotion and monetary benefits also and there is chain for further promotions but in our Cadre there is nothing except ACP/MACPS. In MACP also anamoly prevails and Board is unable to resolve
   Cesa mumbai is holding a meeting on 28.12.2013, delegation from west zone is expected to participate and chalk out a formula how to get justice and dignity in a positive manner.    


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