: CESA/75 /2013
: 10.12.2013
Ms. Shobha L. Chari
Hon’ble Member (P. &V.),
North Block,
Ms. Lipika Majumdar
Member (Service Tax),
North Block,
Request for enhancement in IT/OE Grant
for Mumbai Zone – reg.
attention is invited towards DGHRD’s letter F. No. 8/B/10 (171)/HRD (EMC)2013
dated 17.10.2013 under which the allocation of funds reduced under the object
head Information Technology for 2013 -14, had been communicated to the Zones.
CC Zone-I and Zone-II have re-allocated the grant. On going through the same it
is found that the grants under the above head of account is reduced
considerably. Even the Service Tax Commissionerates are not being spared from
this cut in the name of austerity.
Austerity, by any prudent authority, it
does not mean just put scissor on expenditure but it also implies that we have
to set our priority and utilize money on essential heads and non essential one
can be deferred, till the situation is eased out. But unfortunately, it is not so in our
department. In Mumbai Zone – I & II the grant is reduced by 26 & 27
lakhs respectively. That too Rs.15 lakhs reduced outrightly (Rs.10 laksh from Service Tax I and
Rs.5 lakhs from Service Tax II), when they are in need of computers and its
We all know that the Service
sector is ever growing sector and revenue is increasing in multifold. This also
known to the Board office that in Mumbai the staff posted in Service Tax is
inadequate to handle the heavy work load.
Staff is squeezed from the Central Excise Commissionerates from Zone – I Mumbai, still man power is
required as the work load is not manageable.
merely providing staff on a stop gap arrangement situation cannot be
improved. The existing sanctioned
Superintendents and Inspectors do not have computers and the situation is
aggravated further by bringing additional staff to the extent of 35% to 40% who
do not have the space to function and even are not equipped with one to one
computer, internet, printers, in the era of automation, which is really
shocking. When the staff is demanding to
provide computers and printers to do the work, now the grant is reduced in the
name of austerity. In the circumstances, can administration give a thought as
to how the officers will work and more revenue will be mopped up? and excelled
In view of the above when
there is need of more funds for Service Tax and the Board is having a lot of
expectation from Mumbai Zone itself hence there should not be any deduction in
the existing grants. On the contrary
more grant / funds be made available to Service Tax Commissioenrates of Mumbai
Zone so that no work is hampered for want of grants.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely

A.K. Sasmal
General Secretary
Copy to :-
DGHRD, CBEC, New Delhi for kind information and necessary action.
2. The Chief Commissioner of
Central Excise, Mumbai Zone-I & II for
kind information and necessary action.
3. The Commissioner, Service
Tax, Mumbai-I, Mumbai-II for kind information
with a request to apprise the ground
reality to the authority and ask for
more funds to meet the exigency.
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