Monday, June 16, 2014

Chilled the zeal to Brazil

Goa cancel brazil (study tour of 6 MLAs) under intense media pressure the GOA Govt. has  scrapped the study tour and decided not to spent exchequers money to the tune of 90 lacs. Due to the public outcry, the state administration took u turn within no time.

Last year, the CBEC arranged foreign training for elite class and sent officers abroad in two batches and the various offices of CBEC were headless during the period and a good no. of officers retired before implementing it in our day to day function in subject learning from abroad whatsoever.

CBDT sanctioned to give mid carreer training programe for officers rank of Principal Commissioners (25Commisionners income tax) in Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania. USA from 30.06.2014 to 11.07.2014

Officers will get DA /Cash Allowance: US $ 100 per day ii) Air Fare (to and fro): To be borne by this Directorate (iii) The Course Fee: To be paid to IIM Bangalore including accommodation charges. The expenditure involved in the tour of the officers will be met from the Budget allotted under the OAE for F.Y. 2014-15 for which the sanction is issued with the concurrence of JS & FA (Fin.), Ministry of Finance and approval of the F.M. received vide Diary No.216920 dated 11.3.2014.

What is the interest of IIM Banglore to borne the expenditure of foreign training of the officers when the Govt. is preaching for austerity then why the wasteful expenditure from OAE head for FY 2014 – 2015.

Similarly CBEC may follow the footprint of CBDT may sent officers from CBEC for mid career training programme abroad during the current financial year 2014-15.

In last December in Mumbai Central Excise, there was no amount to pay even electrical bill /telephone bill/office rent and stop procuring even purchase of computers printers rollers, toners, stationery etc. Even the Administration pleaded not to disconnect electricity, telephones to the concern authority in writing as well as request in person.

Majority of the office premises is in a scanty and in dilapidated conditions with age old furniture where junior officers are striving their best to get the work done, many medical bills are pending due to want of funds many officers are been denied and not allowed to proceed on leave in service tax and to forgo their LTC or HTC. When we do not have money in our OAE Head and the training taken/ to be taken in abroad will not have any benefit in  our day to day functioning or to rejuvenate the officers where majority of the non executive Commissioner post are lying vacant such  as Commissioner Appeals, TAR, Valuation etc.

CESA hope like in Goa state,  our CBEC will also learn to save money and utilize the said money in the field formation where the Junior Officers are even lack of basic facility like space toilet, water, etc   

ACES Training given to Senior Officers to train the lower officer but not a single one in Mumbai attended it and many of them are ignorant to operate ACES for day to day work. CAAP Training should be given in person but in reality, a CD is given for self learning the Audit.

Now last but not the least, prior to introduction of EA- 2000 training was given to the elite class officers abroad to learn the CEDA Canadian system of Audit, Canada had gave up the system of said audit but in CBEC it is going on but in what shape….. only God knows.  Not a single Senior Officer is visiting the unit as required under EA-2000 and the manner of MCM and other things least to speak.

The Tax / Duty we sincerely collect at adverse condition. The amount allocated for our maintenance should not be discriminatory rather purposeful for better effective Administration. Austerity is not just to disallow the LTC,HTC of Junior Officers when on travel various Senior Officers avail Air Travel for official purpose with no accountability. Hope, the good sense will prevail and CBEC में अच्छे दिन आएगें ।

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